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Episode #5: Weirdos talking about when things go wrong

Assetlab Team

Huh? What do you mean things can go wrong? Contrary to popular belief, Property isn't all sunshine and rainbows.

Things can go wrong, and when they do they can really suck the fun out of life really quickly. With decades in the market as investors, traders, renovators (and some of us as agents and developers) we've made MANY mistakes. And we've seen others make untold as well.

They've all been great learning opportunities, but it's better to get the lesson from someone ELSE making the mistake. So, here's 27 minutes of four weirdo's chatting about boo-boo's. Enjoy!

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Disclaimer: This should be obvious, but just in case someone out there thinks they should take financial advice from four weirdos talking on Youtube...Don't. Nothing in this video is meant as financial advice. ALWAYS seek advice from a professional before making any financial decisions.

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